Sunday, July 28, 2013

Open Hands vs. Closed Fists

Disclaimer:  If you have wandered onto this posting by chance, I apologize. You are free to continue reading; however, please understand this article is not intended for the general public.  This, is personalfor a very specific audience.  For that same reason, certain words below that are bolded in blue link to important material.

There comes a time in a girl's life when enough is enough.  When logic and reason don't soften hearts of stone, it becomes necessary to speak plainly, based upon principal alone. 

Charles and I started our blogs to reach the hearts of family members who disapprove of our poly lifestyle to the point of annihilation.  Since poly-fidelity is neither widely known nor socially 'conventional', it became crucial to include a bit of 'poly education' in our writings, to prevent any misconceptions about our lifestyle.  Cognizant that this is a personal preference, we sought to present a balanced perspective that highlights the benefits of our family structure, while allowing for differences of opinion.  

It's important to note that our attempts at reconciliation have been ongoing for over 3 years; our combined writings via this particular method total over 60 postings!  Throughout the entries, we have consistently included a disclaimer stating we don't have all of the answers and can only speak for ourselves.  

That will always be the case. Personally, I believe that unless I've exhausted all possible knowledge on every given subject, I'm not a qualified expert - on anything.  Our opinions and personal experience are only meaningful to us as individuals; they have no relevance to anyone else.  

Unfortunately, our heartfelt attempts to open the doors of communication between our families have been perceived as 'pushing poly down their throats'.  Instead of being open to reasonable discussion, we have been rewarded with cowardly silence, illogical accusations, or dogmatic insistence that we break up our poly family.

This, from Christians - whose faith mandates they present their god as a loving father - who claim his message is one of warmth and tenderness, but instead - represent him with an iron fist which threatens us with eternal damnation if we don't obediently comply by 'freely choosing' him.

This, from parents - whose primary purpose was to teach us to treat one another with respect - to prepare us for successful interaction with others in a diverse and colorful world - yet refuse to even acknowledge the existence of our life partners.

By their own standards, they have fallen woefully short on both counts.

I respect those who are sincere and accurately represent their faith. I understand how to 'play nicely' with those who have different viewpoints than my own.  I interpret personal opinion as exactly that - personal.  What I take issue with is this: the glaring flaw in keeping a death grip on bigotry when mere acceptance would yield so much More. 

It's the difference between having Open Hands or Closed Fists.

Open Hands encourage communication, even if it means you ultimately 'agree to disagree'.

Closed Fists prefer silence, breaking it only to speak accusations that have no basis in truth.

Open Hands promote reconciliation by using reason to find common realities.
Closed Fists refuse to compromise, preferring dogmatic bullying and zealotry.

Open Hands research multiple perspectives in order to reach a logical conclusion.

Closed Fists utilize a sole resource as the final authority on any given subject and do not consider opposing viewpoints as valid.

Open Hands understand there are as many paths to enlightenment as there are cultures.
Closed Fists label you 'insincere and sinister' if you don't conform to their agenda of converting you to the 'one true way'.

Open Hands speak intelligently and use creative examples to communicate their perspective.
Closed Fists label this eloquence as being manipulative to flatter self-inflated egos.

Open Hands realize that in today's complex culture, the term 'family' has widened to describe deeply committed comprehensive relationships, not just genealogical relativity. People can form unique connections which bond them just as closely as blood or law; if the relationship is positive, healthy and inclusive it should be respected, even if unconventional.  

Closed Fists, however, engage in exclusive actions, refusing to acknowledge even solidified long-term relationships for their own personal reasons, even when those relationships are validated by the proof and history of the people within them.  

The concept of the closed fist is as ridiculous and lonely as it sounds.  

What was labeled a 'phase' at the onset of this relationship is moving successfully into its 4th year.  It hasn't just happened - it's the result of dedication and teamwork.  Although positivity and kindness are default characteristics of our home life, we've also encountered a few tough moments. Instead of granting those obstacles the power to tear us apart, however; we have used them as tools to strengthen our bond as a family.  

The evidence that our relationship is working far outweighs the opposing argument of "I just don't like it." or "I just don't agree with it.".

Consider the following:

No one lives forever.  While every religion in the world has its own belief, where we end up in the afterlife has yet to be proven.  However, many would say that how we manage our mortal lives Now determines where we spend eternity.  
If I'm wrong, what do you have to lose by trying?  
If I'm right, how much will you continue to lose by not?

We acknowledge that you don't agree with our lifestyle. That's okay.  
We understand you are unfamiliar with our poly structure and this makes you hesitant. That's natural and might be overcome by spending a little time with us.
We realize that until you do, you will not be able to see us for who we are: a family.
Everyone involved has so many good things to share, so many great reasons to come together.  
Reasons that don't seek to take away your individuality, but only hope to add to your joy

Our hands are outstretched, open.


Pete Townshend 'Let My Love Open The Door'

Monday, July 8, 2013

Twin Stars ~*

She is amazing.  
I thought she was extraordinary when I met her - not only was she willing to give me a chance to join her family, but she encouraged Charles to pursue me. She was involved at every step of the way during the courtship, (literally) hundreds of emails Charles and I exchanged before we ever met.  After many questions, answers and discussions from every possible angle, her words to Charles were, "Go get her!"  

Since then, I have grown to respect and admire Marie on many levels. While Charles is our very own Superman, she is the life-force of this family. Over the last three years plus, she and I have developed an honest, real friendship that has blossomed into one of the best things in my life.

This is a woman with whom I can talk about everything under the sun, who willingly listens and offers advice when needed.  Who insisted from Day One that I take ownership and immerse myself as a member of this household; who honors and respects me as a wife to Charles. In fact, she is currently helping he and I plan a Commitment Ceremony and honeymoon to celebrate my permanent status as a member of our family.

Marie is an assertive personality when needed, but she is also a girl that knows how to be light-hearted and have fun!  She delights in acting silly - dancing around the kitchen like a 7 year old, solely to solicit laughs from Charles and I.  It works every time- we giggle back at her, smiling and warmed – a magic she creates simply by being herself

Besides the obvious benefits of the sister I never had- sharing clothes, shoes, makeup and more; we both sincerely appreciate each other's companionship.  We enjoy working together - planting flowers in the yard, washing our cars in the driveway, singing old 80’s songs together in the kitchen (music provided courtesy of Charles) – but some of our favorite times happen randomly, resulting in special memories.

One of our most unforgettable moments happened purely by chance.  We set out to take a walk through a local park and accidentally ended up on a trek ALL around town.  Even though it was in ninety degree heat, we didn’t get grumpy; instead, we made the best of things by chanting military cadences and making faces at one other.  This resulted in ridiculous laughter, despite the weather.  We brought home sunburned smiles to Charles, who laughed at our tale of unexpected adventure.

Just this past weekend, we created another impromptu memory. Charles (the charming gent that he is) escorted the two of us on a casual outing that included grocery shopping for vegetables, followed by a relaxing dinner at a local Italian restaurant. Later, just for fun, we stopped at Toys 'R' Us. While Charles didn't get anything for himself, he did pick up a fun little token for Kaz. Meanwhile, Marie and I happened upon the Play-Doh aisle, where we discovered that we shared a fondness for the colorful dough from our childhood. This resulted in a giggly impulsive purchase, as we remembered its nostalgic smell from our childhood memories.
Upon returning home for the evening, we decided there was no time like the present to showcase our artistic abilities! With Charles as our DJ, Marie and I promptly set about crafting little figures at the kitchen table. We sang along to the music and enjoyed ourselves immensely. A few minutes into my creation, my concentration broke as I noticed Marie stealing quizzical glances at my side of the table. Being under the misconception that my final product would confirm my creative abilities, I did my best to block her view, insisting that she wait till I was done. Unfortunately, the end result left no question that my artistic abilities are best left unconfirmed! Marie’s creations were much more at least recognizable!  We had the best time, content to be kids again, recreating a favorite childish pastime.

The true meaning of living 'organically' in the Now: a grocery errand that evolved into a beautiful dinner for three, and ended with togetherness, Dashing-style. 

I never imagined making a new best friend at this stage in my mid-life. While the relationship is often playful and silly, the truth is, she is an exceptional woman who didn't let convention define her family, but fiercely embraced me as her own.

It has been said that a person is fortunate to have one or two good friends during a lifetime. I consider myself lucky to have the best of both worlds. While Charles is the love of my life and my best friend in his own right...
...she is an exceptional girlfriend and my Best Friend Forever.




My colleagues at the office are aware of my poly family structure, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. People want to know how it works; how Marie and I are able to share Charles without jealousy. Most people find it hard to believe that it's possible for two women to get along when they are in love with the same man. This is not only my favorite question to answer, but the easiest - because we've proven time and again that kindness wins over petty insecurities. 

Let me assure you; the article above isn’t about me telling anyone else how to live, just about the reality of my life and my family. Such positive feelings about the people you love are appropriate; it doesn’t matter how your family is constructed. 
Family isn’t just a matter of genealogical archetypes, because loving someone isn’t merely about a formula or a license - it’s about the relationship.
The truth about the construction of any relationship is displayed in how you get along, and the love which bonds you together.  
This post is about my best friend, sister and partner -  whatever the label. 
It just means I love her.