Recently, he posed an insightful query to me in the form of an age old fanboy favorite: Which Super Power would you have? While the discussion was lively and brief, it did spark some rather interesting observations. I thought I'd share that with you, below.
Read the question and qualifiers, and answer as truthfully as you dare. Once you've done so - read below the LINE OF TRUTH to reveal what your chosen super power may mean about your secret identity.
Fun and Fascinating stuff!
A simple question about imaginary and complex things.
- Which super power would you chose: Invisibility or Flight?
Consider carefully which you would prefer, as it will be your only superpower.
Some clarifications to consider:
- Invisibility only pertains to your body and your clothes, not things you pick up. Nor does it make you super silent, super strong or otherwise impervious to detection.
- Flight would be capped at speeds up to 200mph, with heights limited to the breathable atmosphere. You are not rendered impervious to cold, wind or damage from collisions.
This is all the information I can provide. Now… make your decision.
Which would you choose?
Why? -- what would you do with your ability?
Think about it if you must, but answer simply. No more than a line or two.
Once you've prepared your answer -- continue on to the section below.
Here’s what it could all mean:
The options for Flight and Invisibility touch a nerve in the Human spirit. They speak to two very different primal desires and personality types.
One is about something obvious, while the other is about being hidden. Thus… some might say that they indicate your level of shame.
Flight has nothing to hide – while invisibility is all about guile. Wanting to be invisible means you are a more guileful person, while flight is guileless.
Flight is the choice of the Hero Archetype: selfless, confident and unashamed.
And therefore invisibility -- becomes the cloak of a would-be Villain. It is the sneakier power…. calculating and crouching in order to obfuscate, manipulate or infringe.
Flight represents a desire to see all of a situation. To know more and have the option to act upon what is detected.
Invisibility however, is clearly about remaining undetected, while being able to see others. That demonstrates a desire to place others at a disadvantage… while capitalizing on their vulnerability. Or at the very least, to hide yourself for fear of being revealed.
In the end, however – neither is truly definitive of a person in real life. This isn’t a clear-cut situation of What kind of person flies vs. What kind of person fades.
Truth is - - we all do both. Of course we do.
So then, perhaps the true dilemma is revealed in this closing query:
Given the choice, which is your inclination – the person you truly wish you could be? Or … the person you fear you truly are?
Inspired by the broadcast This American Life. “ Super Powers “ aired Oct 20 2013