Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Time for Healing

From past articles, readers know my poly-fidelitious relationship has caused discord with my parents, ultimately resulting in their silent condemnation.  After 3 years of estrangement, my mother has stepped forward with heartfelt apologies for time wasted over differing perspectives.

With a goal of reconciliation, after several email exchanges we met in person. We had both changed and grown since we last talked. In addition to catching each other up on the events of the past few years, we addressed some tough questions.
The lost time, the reasoning behind each of our perspectives, what led her to reach out to me.  

It was one of the most difficult yet connected discussions of our entire relationship. Neither of us abandoned our personal beliefs; what we did accomplish was hearing each other out, granting each other the respect to retain our individual beliefs.

The separation over the last few years taught us a better, kinder way to interact - giving us the wisdom to abandon the rigidity of who was right and who was wrong.  

Allowing for understanding.

                                       A place for healing.  
                                                                   A new beginning.

As Charles once said:  
"Peace through Comprehension is a divine mission of all humanity. 
Without it, we are deaf, dumb and ultimately damned –
      --  unable to learn from anything we don’t already think we know."

Thank you, Mom.  I realize this wasn't easy for you - that my relationship is outside the norm of what you are accustomed to.  I appreciate you stepping outside of your comfort zone; creating the space for us to discuss our opposing viewpoints in a kind and respectful manner.  Relinquishing your grasp on what you consider ''perfect and ideal' grants life's rampancy the power to create its own unique harmony.  I am hopeful this recent growth will bring new depth to our relationship.  

Love, Rika


  1. This was a wonderful first step in healing. I have high hopes that your mom will continue to grow and embrace our entire family. Love you Rika !

    <3 Marie

  2. I am rooting for your mother, Rika.
    I am rooting for her to demonstrate the best tenant of her faith: love.
    I am rooting for tenderness and forgiveness.
    Without needing her to renounce her beliefs. Without any demand for admissions of guilt or blame. I am not rooting for anything which doesn't soothe all involved.

    Just softness.
    Just kindness and acceptance. Things that allow different people to live different lives, while still trying to care for and understand one another.

    I think that's what mom wants too?
    And I know that's all you have sought, Rika. I know it well.
    So I am rooting for mom... and rooting for you... believing in my heart that there is still time for A Better Way.
    Time for a better demonstration of Love.

    Who wouldn't want that between a parent and a child?

    Good luck to you, wife and daughter.
    Good luck to you, mother and friend.

    - Charles Dashing

  3. Thank you both for your love and support which have been an irreplaceable source of strength throughout the last few years. It is my hope this reconciliation paves the way for further healing between our families. <3
