Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Dreams are Made Of

Love....What does it mean to you?
Is it the prepackaged type that you see in movies or read about in romance novels - or the kind that volunteers to stay up late with a sick child so your partner can get some rest?
Does it involve dinners by candlelight and rose petals scattered across the floor leading to a steamy bubble bath - or the kind that cleans up a dirty kitchen so your partner can relax on the couch after a long workday?
Does it mean enduring mediocrity on a regular basis, but gladly accepting special occasion gifts given out of obligation or guilt - or does it mean making a special late night trip to the grocery store on a weeknight, just to get your partner their favorite ice cream? 

Is your love the kind that's supportive of your partner's self-fulfillment, as long as your own identity isn't threatened - or the kind that promotes their personal growth even if it means they may outgrow you?
Does it subscribe to 'working it out' unless you are too tired to talk - or the kind that understands the loss of sleep is a small price to pay for reaching an understanding?

Does your version of love avoid conflict because you'd rather not 'upset anyone' - or is honest enough to call bullshi* on unacceptable behavior?
Does it allow those you love to possess ideals that differ from your own? Does it say "Follow your heart." "Be true to who you are.", and mean it?

Love is personal and is best proven by the substance, commitment and demonstration of the participants' hearts.  

Real Love.  What's your definition?

**A special thanks to Charles and Marie, who challenge me to bring my personal best at all times, and add their vibrancy and color to my own. Your hearts are genuine and prove every single day what real love is.  
You're the best life partners this little girl could have ever dreamed up. <333


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