Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Best.Girlfriend.Ever.

What kind of woman goes out of her way to share her husband and family with another female?  One with a heart of amazing capacity for love and generosity of spirit - Marie.

Marie was a driving force behind adding me to the family; however, translating this concept into a reality was as challenging as you would think! Combining a household where two females had different ways of approaching things was a bit of a hurdle, and we went through a normal adjustment period. This required discussion, a willingness to see the other person's point of view and working together to find the best compromise. After almost three years together, we have become comfortable in our individual roles and seamlessly cooperate to take care of the family - we all jokingly refer to me as her 'wife'!

Sharing a husband also meant there were some insecurities and jealousies in the beginning. Being vulnerable with one other can sometimes be difficult for women, but with Charles' mediation, we grew to appreciate and value the true meaning of compersion.  She is a staunch advocate in my relationship with Charles, and willingly shares the wisdom that comes from being married to him for twenty plus years.  I in turn offer a fresh perspective on her own relationship with Charles.  By promoting one another's relationships, it benefits the entire family. That's how love works!

Best Friends

We have forged a unique bond that can't be duplicated by a typical friendship. Having a live-in sister available every day who knows both me and the man I love inside and out is a privilege.  Although we work diligently to take care of the family, we enjoy each other's company and have fun with it, teasing and dissolving in laughter over the silliest things!  This makes Charles and the boys shake their head and roll their eyes at 'Women!', but secretly they love the positive energy Marie and I interject into the atmosphere of the household! 

To provide down time from the daily schedule and chores, Marie and I make sure we set aside a night each week for some 'girl time'.  Sometimes we go out for dinner and a movie, or stay in to watch Netflix and play card games. The point is to spend quality time together and we look forward to it as the highlight of our week.  It's our own version of stress relief and it works wonders!

Marie is my best friend - sweet and fun to be around - she has a fierce heart dedicated to protecting her family and has proven her loyalty to me in countless ways.  I literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.  Thank goodness she was brave enough to go against society's rules of convention and embrace something More!


Emile Sande - My Kind of Love

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